Ep. 10 - Navigating Divorce as a Business Owner in New York with Ian Steinberg, Esq.

Jason is joined by Ian Steinberg, Esq. a family law attorney in New York City, to discuss the complexities of getting divorced as a business owner in New York. Ian breaks down the benefits of having a pre-nuptial agreement as well as what happens when...
Jason is joined by Ian Steinberg, Esq. a family law attorney in New York City, to discuss the complexities of getting divorced as a business owner in New York. Ian breaks down the benefits of having a pre-nuptial agreement as well as what happens when there isn't one in place.
📗 Connect with Ian
➡️ Website: www.BerkBot.com/attorneys/ian-steinberg/
➡️ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/iancraigsteinberg/
➡️ Email: isteinberg@berkbot.com
📗 Connect with Jason Soman
➡️ Website: www.DivorceForensicAccountant.com
➡️ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jasonsoman/
➡️ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/valuation_jason
➡️ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@DivorceForensicAccountant
➡️ Email: jason@accountingvaluation.com
➡️ PODCAST: www.FindTheMoneyPodcast.com